CMHCM Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for services?
CMHCM provides services for adults and children who live in any of CMHCM's six county service area (Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Mecosta, Midland, or Osceola) and have a severe and/or persistent mental illness or are an individual with a developmental disability.

Where do I go to apply for services?
Community Mental Health For Central Michigan has six locations. You can either call or walk-in to apply for and receive services. You can view the locations here.

How do I apply for services?
Each of our local offices has a person on duty to help you apply for services. This person is called an access worker. When making a call or visiting one of our offices in person to apply for services, please let the receptionist know that you would like to talk to an access worker. The access worker will ask you questions that will help decide if you are eligible for publicly-provided mental health or developmental disability services. The access worker will ask you where you live and to please describe what is happening in your life that makes you feel you could benefit from services. You will be asked about your insurance and your income. When applying in person, it is a good idea to bring your insurance card(s) and proof of income with you. The application process may take 20-30 minutes to complete.

  • If the situation you describe is an emergency, you will be directed to immediate help.
  • If your situation is not an emergency and you are eligible for services, the access worker will set up an appointment for you to come back. Your first appointment will be scheduled within two weeks of your application date.
  • If you are not eligible for services at CMHCM, we will help you identify other community resources that may help.
  • If you have insurance, you may be directed to use your insurers' providers before receiving services from CMHCM.

Why should I sign a Release of Information?
To improve the quality of services, CMHCM wants to coordinate your care with the medical provider who cares for your physical health. If you are also receiving substance use disorder services, your mental health care should be coordinated with those services. Being able to coordinate with all providers involved in treating you improves your chances for recovery, relief of symptoms, and improved functioning. Therefore, you are encouraged to sign a Release of Information so that information can be shared. If you do not have a primary care physician and need one, contact Customer Services at 989.772.5938 and the staff will assist you in getting a medical provider.

What If I need services when I'm away from home?
If you travel outside the counties of Community Mental Health Central Michigan and are in need of services, call your local CMHCM office or 1-800-317-0708 for assistance.

Can I change my provider?
You have the right to request a change in who it is that provides your service(s) or supports. If you wish to change providers, discuss this with the person who is currently providing your service, case manager or supports coordinator, or with CMHCM’s Customer Service Representative.

What if I move?
It is important that you let us know your changes to help us better serve you. Please notify us of name or address changes and insurance changes. If you move out of the region or out-of-state, we can assist you in transferring your records. If you lose your Medicaid insurance, and you are receiving services, you will continue to receive services or supports for as long as they are necessary.

I need an interpreter. Can CMHCM provide one?
Community Mental Health for Central Michigan is committed to making itself understood by consumers who do not read, hear or speak English very well. Our goal is to provide materials and services in a language the consumer can understand. This may include the use of qualified interpreters, including American Sign Language, written information in a language you understand, Braille, and/or videotaped or audio taped material, etc. A few of our providers offer language interpreters.

If you use a TTY, please contact Customer Service at the following TTY phone number: 989.773.2890.

If you need a sign language interpreter, contact the Customer Service office at 989.772.5938 or 1.800.317.0708 as soon as possible so that one will be made available. Sign language interpreters are available at no cost to you.

If you do not speak English, please let staff at the reception desk know or contact the Customer Service office at 989.772.5938 or 1.800.317.0708 so that arrangements can be made for an interpreter for you. Language interpreter services are available to you on a walk in basis as well at all CMHCM locations. Language interpreters are available at no cost to you.

What if I need accessibility accommodations?
In accordance with federal and state laws, all buildings and programs of CMHCM are required to be physically accessible to individuals with all qualifying disabilities. Any individual who receives emotional, visual, or mobility support from a service animal such as a dog will be given access, along with the service animal, to all buildings and programs of CMHCM. If you need more information or if you have questions about accessibility or service/support animals, how to request accommodations, or what agency is responsible for accommodation requests contact Customer Service at 989-772-5938 or 1-800-317-0708 .

I need services CMHCM cannot provide. How do I find a provider for these services?
There may be times where there are no providers in our network that are able to provide you with a service that you need. If the service is a covered benefit of this plan, and it is medically necessary, Community Mental Health for Central Michigan will work with you to find a provider out of our network who can provide the service. This will be at no cost to you. If you need out-of-network care, please contact Customer Service.

What if I'm unhappy with CMHCM's services?
You have the right to say that you are unhappy with your services or supports or the staff who provide them by filing a “grievance.” You can file a grievance any time by calling, visiting, or writing to Customer Service. Assistance is available in the filing process by contacting Customer Service. You will be given detailed information about grievance and appeal processes when you first start services and then again annually.

CMHCM is accredited by The Joint Commission.

The Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring is interested in the details of your complaint. Although they cannot serve as complaint mediators, they use the information you provide to identify possible noncompliance with the accreditation or certification standards. For direct resolution of your complaint, you may want to bring your issue to the attention of the health care organization’s leadership. You may report a complaint in any of the following ways.
Visit this website and complete a report form - http://www.jointcommission.org/report_a_complaint.aspx

E-mail: complaint@jointcommission.org

Fax: 630.792.5636

Mail: Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181

I have questions about Medicaid. Who can I contact?
You can contact Medicaid directly with questions.

Medicaid Customer Services Hotline 1-800-642-3195

Medicaid Health Plan Contact Numbers

  • Community Choice Michigan 1-800-390-7102
  • Health Plan Of Michigan 1-888-437-0606
  • McLaren Health Plan 1-888-327-0671
  • Molina HealthCare Of Michigan 1-888-898-7969
  • Priority Health Government Programs 1-888-975-8102

I still have questions. Who can I contact?
If you have any questions either now or in the future or you have suggestions on how we can improve the services that we provide, please contact Community Mental Health for Central Michigan’s Customer Service Department.

"Stephanie was a great help for me and helped me get through a very difficult time."
-Mecosta County