
Mediation ensures you have access to a neutral, independent mediation professional to resolve matters related to your experience with Community Mental Health (CMH). Mediation is not able to rule on medical necessity.  

Mediation brochure

In mediation, a neutral third party will guide you through confidential communication, information sharing and decision-making process. The mediator ensures that all parties have a voice and that there is a power balance at the table. If a settlement is reached, the mediators will work with you to assist you in writing an enforceable agreement that is crafted by the parties. You do not lose any of your due process rights (i.e., local appeal, grievance/complaint, etc.) participating in mediation.  

The steps to start Mediation  

  1. The consumer or their appointed advocate contacts the Oakland Mediation Center (OMC) at 844-3-MEDIATE between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. Or email at  

  1. OMC’S Mediation Specialist will confirm your eligibility.  

  1. Then, OMC’S Mediation Specialist will refer the case to your local CDRP center.  

  1. Your CDRP will contact you and CMH to conduct a formal intake process to understand the issues between the parties.   

  1. Following the intake process, the CDRP will schedule a mediation session within 10 business days  

"Sara H. and Ferren will forever be in my heart as they helped me navigate the worst time of my life."
-Gladwin County